14 November 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

We suggest that a major fraction of binary black holes and neutron star mergers, which might provide gravitational wave signals detectable by LIGO/VIRGO, emerged from the hidden mirror sector. Mirror particles do not interact with an ordinary observer except gravitationally, which is the reason why no electromagnetic signals accompanying gravitational waves from mergers with components composed of mirror matter are expected. Mirror matter is a candidate of dark matter and its density can exceed ordinary matter density five times. Totally we estimate a factor 10 amplification of black holes merging rate in the mirror world with respect to our world, which is consistent with the LIGO observations. In addition, only one binary neutron star (or neutron star – black hole) merger out of ten detectable by LIGO/VIRGO could be accompanied by potentially observable astrophysical signals. It seems the list of candidate events recorded by LIGO/VIRGO during the third observational run supports our predictions. We consider the possibility that LIGO events GW190521, GW190425 and GW190814 may have emerged from the mirror world binaries. Theories of star evolution predict so-called upper and lower mass gaps and masses of these merger components lie in those gaps. In order to explain these challenging events very specific assumptions are required and we argue that such scenarios are orders of magnitude more probable in the mirror world.
Merab Goberashvili
Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University & Andronikashvili Institute Of Physics Tbilisi, Georgia

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Room B. Potecorvo
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso Via Giovanni Acitelli 22 Assergi, L'Aquila Italy
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