
The ATLAS experiment towards the High Luminosity era

by Claudia Gemme (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Aula Magna

Aula Magna


The ATLAS detector is operating at the LHC accelerator since
almost 15 years, having recorded more than 300 fb-1 of proton-proton data
that have provided excellent opportunities to measure Standard Model
(SM) rare processes as well as to search for effects beyond the SM. As
LHC is moving to its High-Luminosity program, planned to start in 2030,
the ATLAS collaboration is working to upgrade the detector in order to
cope with the harsher conditions that larger luminosity will cause.

After a short introduction on the status of the ATLAS detector, I will
present the plan of the LHC upgrade and the physics measurements
opportunities it will offer. I will then explain how ATLAS plans to address
the challenges that the larger integrated and instantaneous luminosity will
bring. I will finally describe the status of the various upgrades, focusing in
particular on the new full silicon tracker that is going to replace the current
tracking system.