Session 2
- Daniela Moretti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
A privileged role in the description of a quantum system is played by symmetries, which are operators that remain constant in time (in the Heisenberg picture). It is well known that these are represented by operators that commute with the Hamiltonian of the system.
Quantum symmetries can be further classified based on their stability with respect to perturbations of the Hamiltonian. There are...
The Unruh effect is a quantum field prediction according to which a uniformly accelerated observer in the vacuum detects thermal particles with a temperature directly proportional to its acceleration. In other words, an accelerating thermometer in empty space will record a non-zero temperature.
This phenomenon is closely related to the Hawking effect, which describes the theoretical thermal...
Since 2003, a number of hadronic states have been observed with properties that challenge their classification as predicted by the quark model. Many of these states have a charm-anticharm component in their quark content and are therefore referred to as charmonium-like states.
The first of these states, chi_c1(3872), was observed in 2003 by the Belle collaboration. This observation has been...
Within the framework of Large Deviation Theory, Large Deviation Functions (LDFs) describe the asymptotics of probability distribution of time-integrated observables and assign fluctuations of any intensity a probability value, thus outperforming the central limit theorem. LDFs hold significant physical importance in the context of statistical mechanics as they provide extensions of the concept...