The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a international flagship project in particle physics and one of the most ambitious neutrino beam experiments ever conceived, hosted by the United States Department of Energy national laboratory, Fermilab. This experiment will use the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, proposed by C. Rubbia in 1977.
DUNE will consist a far detector with four modules and a near detector complex exposed to the world’s most intense neutrino beam that will be originated at the Long Base Neutrino Facility (LBNF). When the neutrino beam interacts in liquid argon, charged particles are produced, which in turn will ionize and excite the argon atoms.
The free electrons, obtained from the ionization, begin to move with the drift velocity towards the anode; while the de-exitation of the argon atoms produces scintillation light that will be detected by the photon detector system (PDS). The PDS is an independent system that will provide valuable time information for the reconstruction of the event. The PDS of the first two far detectors modules will be composed of photon detection devices, named X-ARAPUCAs. In this talk I will present the PDS with an emphasis on the design, features and status of the X-ARAPUCA technology.