Dosimetry for conventional and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) beams involves fundamentally different challenges and requirements, directly influencing the choice and design of detectors. Conventional beam dosimetry typically operates at dose rates of 1-10 Gy/min, allowing for the use of detectors with different properties as moderate temporal, spatial and energetic resolution combined with a...
Monitoring the Percentage Depth-Dose (PDD) distribution is a fundamental step in beam quality control programs with clinical proton beams, due to its correlation with the beam range, which is closely involved in the patient’s treatment plan definition. The uncertainties related to the estimation of the proton range in the biological tissue lead to the extension of the treatment volume, with a...
Silicon carbide detectors for particle therapy within the SAMOTHRACE ecosystem
A. Barbon{1,2}, N.S. Martorana{1}, G. D’Agata{1,2}, G. Cardella{1}, E. Geraci{1,2,3}, L. Acosta{4,5}, C. Altana{6}, A. Castoldi{7}, E. De Filippo {1}, S. De Luca{6}, P. Figuera{6}, B. Gnoffo{1,2}, C. Guazzoni{7}, C. Maiolino{6}, E.V. Pagano{6}, S. Pirrone{1}, G. Politi{1,2}, L. Quattrocchi{1,8}, F....
Internal dosimetry has an increasing and crucial role in nuclear medicine. Though radiation detection through tomographic imaging permits to reconstruct patient’s morphology via CT scans and the biodistribution of radionuclide inside the body via PET or SPECT scans, directly detecting the distribution of deposited energy inside the body is not feasible. Consequently, dedicated calculation...
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a radiotherapy (RT) technique based on targeting tumors with a $^{10}$B-labelled drug and on irradiating them with neutrons. It exploits the $^{10}$B(n,α)$^{7}$Li capture reaction, whose short-ranged high-LET products enable a localized and enhanced therapeutic effect compared to photon-based RT. Products of other neutron reactions also contribute to the...
Nuclear fragmentation processes significantly impact particle therapy and space radiation protection, where accurate cross section measurements are needed for refining treatment planning and shielding strategies. Despite extensive research efforts in recent years, experimental data remain limited for double-differential cross sections, particularly in the energy range of 100–1000 MeV/nucleon....
The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is the first modular and portable multi-photon PET scanner, which is a multidisciplinary detection system used in medical imaging as well as in fundamental research including discrete symmetry tests in positronium decays [1,2]. In addition to standard PET imaging, the J-PET scanner allows the positronium lifetime imaging in the human body...
Advancements in Silicon Carbide-Based Detectors for High-Performance Radiation Dosimetry and Beam Monitoring: from simulations to test phase
G. D’Agata$^{1,2}$, N.S. Martorana $^2$, A. Barbon$^{1,2}$, G. Cardella$^2$, E. Geraci$^{1,2,3}$, L. Acosta$^{4,5}$, C. Altana$^6$, A. Castoldi$^7$, E. De Filippo$^2$, S. De Luca$^6$, P. Figuera$^6$, B. Gnoffo$^{1,2}$, C. Guazzoni$^7$, C....
The ePIC detector will be the first detector at the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)[1] at Brookhaven National Lab. The design of the detector is determined by the various physics goals of the EIC program, which include addressing the origin of the nucleon spin, the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon, the study of saturation effects, and the study of hadronisation. This ambitious...
The challenges posed by forthcoming high-energy physics experiments necessitate the development of particle detection technologies with very high tracking and timing performance, as well as robustness in harsh environments.
In this contribution, we present a summary of the R&D on the µ-RWELL technology, a single-amplification-stage resistive MPGD. The highlights of various tests performed...
The Electron-Ion Collider in China (EicC) has been proposed as a future high-intensity heavy-ion and electron accelerator experiment. It aims at the precise measurement of nucleon structure in the sea quark region, including the 3D tomography of nucleon, the partonic structure of nuclei, parton interactions with the nuclear environment, and investigation of exotic states, particularly those...
N.S. Martorana1, G. D’Agata1,2, A. Barbon1,2, G. Cardella1, E. Geraci1,2,3, L. Acosta4,5, C. Altana6, A. Castoldi7, E. De Filippo 1, S. De Luca6, P. Figuera6, B. Gnoffo1,2, C. Guazzoni7, C. Maiolino6, E.V. Pagano6, S. Pirrone 1, G. Politi 1,2, L. Quattrocchi1,8, F. Risitano1,8, F. Rizzo2,3,6, P. Russotto6, G. Sapienza6, M. Trimarchi1,7, S. Tudisco6, C. Zagami 2,3,6
1 INFN-Sezione di...
The realization of a new focal plane detector for the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer (@INFN-LNS) is one of the current focuses of the R&D activities within the NUMEN project. The project aims to provide data-driven evaluation of the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ)-decay Nuclear Matrix Elements by measuring the extremely low Heavy-Ion induced Double Charge Exchange reaction cross...
The NarCoS (Neutron Array for Correlation Studies) array is designed for simultaneous detection of neutrons and charged particles, particularly in the context of heavy ion collisions involving neutron-rich nuclei. This type of detection plays a crucial role in studying reaction mechanisms and exploring the spectroscopy of nuclear states where neutron emission is a key characteristic. NarCoS is...
The MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer, which consists of a large aperture vertically focusing quadrupole and a horizontally bending dipole magnet, is installed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN-LNS) in Catania.
During MAGNEX data taking, the experimental campaigns were performed using ion beams up to 1010 pps provided by the...
The advent of new facilities for radioactive ion beams mainly rich in neutrons, SPES @ LNL, FRAISE @ LNS and FAIR @ GSI only to give some examples, imposes the joint detection and discrimination of neutrons and charged particles in Heavy radioactive Ion collisions, with high angular and energy resolution. The construction of novel detection systems suitable for this experimental task is both a...
An experiment at the ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator was conducted using a 8He beam and a deuterium target to study neutron-rich systems 6H, 7H, and 4n [1, 2, 3]. This work provided comprehensive insights into their decay modes and interaction mechanisms. For 7H, we report the first experimental evidence of five-body decay. For 6H, sequential decay through 5H g.s.was established [4]. The 4n...
A preliminary study for a novel detector development, designed for integration as a fast veto system in the ACTAR TPC chamber [1],
will be presented. The primary goal of this study is to optimize the detection of low-energy charged beam particles while
ensuring minimal interference by positioning the sensor as far as possible from the TPC’s active region.
The detector consists of a fast...
The nuclear Equation of State (EoS) community is converging towards experiments with exotic in-line fragmentation beams, at energies above 100 MeV/u. Many groups are now interested in the recently upgraded FRIB facility, at the Michigan State University (USA). In the beam energy region there available, the study of dense nuclear matter at supra-saturation density is possible and it allows to...
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 28006, Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510, Mexico City, Mexico.
Starting the present century, we found in the silicon strip detectors a unique opportunity to reach relevant results regarding the structure...
At Accelerator-based Mass Spectrometer (AMS) in Novosibirsk, there is a problem to separate isobar ions of different chemical elements that have the same atomic mass. The typical example is radioactive isotopes 10Be and 10B that are used to date geological objects at a time scale of a few million years.
To solve this problem we have developed and successfully tested a low-pressure Time...
The BGOOD experiment at the ELSA facility has been designed to investigate hadron structure through the study of non-strange and strange meson photoproduction on the nucleon. The setup uniquely combines a BGO crystal calorimeter with a large aperture forward magnetic spectrometer providing excellent detection of both neutral and charged particles.
To accurately reconstruct the final state...
Modular neutron spectrometer (MONES) in ACCULINNA-2 based on stilbene crystals in combination with 3-inch fast ET-Enterprise 9822B photomultipliers, was developed in accordance with the requirements of our recent research in studying the low-energy spectra of several unbound nuclear systems 10Li, 5–7H, 7,9He populated in transfer reactions [1–3]. Since the correlation between the incident...
Scintillation detectors based on CsI(Tl) crystals are widely used in nuclear physics, especially in the field of gamma-ray spectrometry and/or fast light charged particles. Large CsI(Tl) crystals like ours with a volume of ~370 cm3, are used in many collaborations [1-3].
GADAST (GAmma-ray Detector Around the Secondary Target) is a compact detector array, that is a part...
The measurement of the lifetime of exotic nuclei requires high-resolution gamma energy detection and precise Doppler correction of the energy spectrum.
According to the Doppler shift relation, the uncertainty in the reconstructed energy is influenced by the velocity (β) and emission angle (α). While thin targets can reduce the uncertainties in both these quantities, thick targets are required...
The direct measurements of the antimatter components in cosmic rays provide a crucial information
on the mechanisms responsible for their acceleration/propagation and represent a powerful tool for
the indirect search of dark matter. At present, charge sign discrimination has been performed by the
use of magnetic spectrometers, which are not suited to extend the current measurements at...
High-precision time measurements are crucial for both high-energy physics experiments and advanced medical imaging applications, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Future detector systems require readout electronics that combine sub-10 ps timing resolution with scalability, compactness, and efficient multi-channel integration.
The CAEN A5203 module, part of the FERS 5200 system,...
In this talk an overview of the advantage of silicon carbide detectors will be presented in terms of leakage current, signal resolution and radiation hardness. To obtain high performance in the detectors for different applications, a new growth process of the epitaxial layers has been developed and the characteristics of the epitaxial layers have been obtained by electrical measurements....
The advent of quantum sensing x-ray microcalorimeters such as Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) [1] has created exciting new opportunities to push the limits of precision physics in the x-ray domain. Thanks to the factor of 50 improvement in energy resolution offered by TESs over high-purity germanium [2, 3], and their high efficiency compared to crystal spectrometers [4], anti-protonic atom...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a international flagship project in particle physics and one of the most ambitious neutrino beam experiments ever conceived, hosted by the United States Department of Energy national laboratory, Fermilab. This experiment will use the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, proposed by C. Rubbia in 1977.
DUNE will consist a...
Nowadays several projects of future colliding beam experiments are considered in the world. Among them are CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider) in China and FCC (Future Circular Collider) at CERN (Switzerland). To perform experiments on flavour physics at energy range of the projects an excellent particle identification up to momenta of 30 GeV/c is required. Several concepts of RICH...
The latest results of data from the GRAAL experiment for coherent π π and ηπ coherent photoproduction channels on deuterium are presented. A complete kinematical reconstruction was made with the deuterons identified by the forward part of the GRAAL set-up and the π0 and η reconstructed by two photons detected by the central part of the apparatus. The results of the GRAAL data are compared with...
We produce high transparent aerogel tiles with a thickness of 20, 30 and 40 mm and n = 1.05 and aerogel tiles with a thickness of 40 or 50 mm and n = 1.03. The new procedure of thermal annealing of aerogel allows us to produce several new aerogel samples with recordable lateral sizes in 2022-2023.
In a multilayer aerogel, the refractive index and layer thicknesses are chosen so that the...
During Long Shutdown 3 (LS3, scheduled 2026-2029) a new Inner Tracking System (ITS) will be installed in ALICE for the future Run 4 data taking. At present, the ALICE ITS is at its second version, ITS2, formed by 7 layers of silicon CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS). The 3 innermost layers are collectively referred to as Inner Barrel (IB), while the outermost ones form the Outer...
In the framework of the three Euratom H2020 projects MICADO, PREDIS and CLEANDEM several devices and systems were developed suitable for radioactive waste drums monitoring in store and possibly during transportation. The radiological gamma and neutron data, collected in real time, represent a useful tool both for safety and security and are also suitably stored in databases.
Two miniature low...
The lifetime of hot carriers in materials following photoexcitation is a critical factor influencing their potential for various applications, including solar energy conversion, surface chemistry, optoelectronic devices, etc. We have developed a time-resolved photoelectron emission detection system to experimentally study hot carriers in diverse materials. This system employs an advanced Radio...
This research focuses on the design, development, and deployment of an innovative ground drone, RoverLab, designed for monitoring environmental radioactivity with a particular emphasis on detecting hotspots and radiometric anomalies. The RoverLab system was conceived to improve the safety and accuracy of radiometric control procedures conducted by the Regional Agency for Environmental...
In the context of the “Grand Challenges”, special attention is paid to the reconditioning of radioactive waste (radwaste) generated by energy and non-energy activities. Institutions such as the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) promote projects that aim to develop new, safe, affordable, and accessible technologies for better protection of both people and the environment. Effective waste...
The monitoring of radioactive waste (radwaste) is a critical aspect of nuclear waste management, ensuring environmental safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Among the advanced technologies explored for this purpose, scintillating fibers (SciFi) and Silicon-Lithium-Fluoride (SiLiF) detectors have emerged as promising tools for real-time radiation monitoring and data acquisition....
Tritium is crucial for fueling fusion reactions in tokamaks, and its production occurs through neutron-lithium interactions in the Breeding Blanket (BB). Developing and validating BB designs is challenging due to the lack of neutron sources with fluences similar to those in tokamaks. Fast neutron detectors are critical for measuring tritium production and validating neutron multiplication...
In this work, the aim of simulations is to optimize a Silicon Carbide detector (SiC) for neutrons with
energy = 14.1 MeV. The device has an active thickness obtained by epitaxial growth and an active area
of 25 mm2
. In the first step of the Fluka simulations, we compare SiC detector performance to Diamond
and Silicon detectors, with the same geometric features. In the second step of the...
A stand to study of radiation damage of SiPMs at BINP (Novosibirsk, Russia) was developed. The stand is based on BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) facility. The facility has option to produce fast neutrons with an energy up to 15 MeV. These neutrons are used to irradiation and are formed in the process of nuclear reactions during the interaction of deuteron beam with thin layer of lithium:...