7–8 Apr 2025
CNR Area della Ricerca di PISA
Europe/Rome timezone

This first-ever EuPRAXIA Camp will cover laser and plasma technology, and connect the latest R&D results in these areas with the challenges related to their integration into a plasma accelerator-based research infrastructure.

This 2-day science workshop will be split into sessions led by invited keynote speakers who will first present the state-of-the-art in a particular area. This will then be followed by selected presentations from other workshop participants of either 12 or 25 minute duration. 

Generous discussion time will be included in each session and there will also be more general discussions at the end of each day linking between different areas. A poster session will complement the challenge-focused program. 

The EuPRAXIA Camps are open to everyone interested in the latest R&D results in plasma accelerators and not limited to members of EuPRAXIA. Participants are asked to suggest their contribution during registration and indicate if they would like to contribute a talk or a poster.

Registration deadline: 28th February 2025

CNR Area della Ricerca di PISA
Via Giuseppe Moruzzi 56124 Pisa PI Italy

The cost for attending the workshop is £250 and includes access to all workshop sessions, coffee breaks and lunches, welcome reception on Sunday, and a dinner on Monday. A discounted fee of £150 is offered to PhD students.

Registration for this event is currently open.