With the premature passing of Stefano Catani particle physics has lost a world’s leading figure, whose work in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has been instrumental for the success of the physics programme of high-energy colliders. Among his most important contributions we find the formulation of appropriate jet clustering algorithms, the discovery of the general structure of infrared singularities of scattering amplitudes, the design of general methods for the perturbative calculation of cross sections and differential observables, the innovative algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of multijet processes and the study of factorisation properties and coherence effects in the high-energy limit. Appreciated for his generosity, human warmth and scientific rigour he left an irreplaceable void among his colleagues, friends and family. His collaborators and friends will gather to share their scientific adventure with Stefano and their warm friendship with him.
Speakers: G. Dissertori, F. Hautmann, M. Mangano, P. Nason, M. Seymour, L. Trentadue, B. Webber
Organizers: R. Bonciani, L. Cieri, D. de Florian, P. K. Dhani, G. Ferrera, M. Grazzini, G. Rodrigo
This event is sponsored by:
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)