
Exploring Quantum Phases of dipolar gases through Quasicrystalline Confinment

by Dr Vinicius Zamporino Pedroso

Aula magna

Aula magna

The effects of frustration on extended supersolid states is a largely unexplored subject in the realm of cold-atom systems. In this talk, we explore the impact of quasicrystalline lattices on the supersolid phases of dipolar bosons. Our findings reveal that weak quasicrystalline lattices can induce a variety of modulated phases, merging the inherent solid pattern with a quasiperiodic decoration induced by the external potential. As the lattice becomes stronger, we observe a super quasicrystal phase and a Bose glass phase. Our results, supported by a detailed discussion on experimental feasibility using dysprosium atoms and quasicrystalline optical lattice potentials, open a new avenue in the exploration of long-range interacting quantum systems in aperiodic environments. We provide a solid foundation for future experimental investigations, potentially confirming our theoretical predictions and contributing profoundly to the field of quantum gases in complex external potentials.