Seminari di Fisica Teorica

Galaxies, cosmological perturbation theory & neutrinos masses

by Emiliano Sefusatti (Trieste Obs.)

A500 ( di Fisica Univ. Genova)

A500 di Fisica Univ. Genova


ABSTRACT: Galaxy surveys are mapping increasingly large volumes promising to shed light on the mysterious accelerated expansion and its possible causes. At the same time, precise measurements of galaxy correlation functions at large scales can also provide constraints on the initial conditions of the Universe, the nature of dark matter or the mass of neutrinos. Of all these phenomena, we do have an analytical understanding from cosmological perturbation theory, with the Effective Field Theory of the Large-Scale Structure being the current state of the art. I will introduce the perturbative framework and its assumptions and predictions, highlighting its limits and current challenges with particular attention to the interesting case of massive neutrinos cosmologies.