AI_INFN Technical Meeting


Virtual meeting room (zoom):

AI_INFN Technical meeting – Minutes and actions

Date: 2024-09-09


  • The agenda of the Workshop “Computing@CSN5” applications and innovations at INFN is
  • A meeting with the CSN5 referees was held on September 3. Our referees confirmed their support for the initiative and its implementation.
    • The requests for travel funds will be discussed with CSN5
    • The request for upgrade of the CNAF farm to support other CSN5 initiatives has been submitted to C3SN
  • The meeting with C3SN was held on September 5 in Bologna. The CSN5 submitted to C3SN only the (small) request from Geant4Infn, which does not motivate an upgrade of the farm.

Tracked developments:

:arrow_forward: Automation of RKE2 deployments in INFN Cloud

  • Upgrading Kubernetes: instead of upgrading K8s in the production platform we are going to:

    • Deploy the platform to be used for the hackathon with all the new features with Kubernetes 1.29
    • Use the new platfrom for the hackathon
    • At the end of the hackathon, we will migrate the old platform to the new cluster
    • At the end of the migration, before destroying the old platform, we will try to update it to gain some practice
  • News from Giuseppe M:

Still waiting for a reply from the WP1 around having the Dependency Track tool available as a Data Cloud service.
Probably I’ll join one of the next WP meeting to discuss and demo the tool setup and functionalities based on the puppet
module and the infrastructure as code stack provided in the following repos:

    I’ll keep you posted about.

:arrow_forward: Develop monitoring and accounting infrastructure (R. Petrini)

  • [Low priority] We need to update the grafana instance to accomodate metrics for the hackathon platform

:arrow_forward: Environment setup (M. Barbetti, S. Giagu, S. Bordoni, L. Cappelli)

  • NTR

:arrow_forward: Offloading tests with virtual kubelets (G. Bianchini, D. Ciangottini)

  • Started the activity to submit jobs to CINECA Leonardo through the INFN Platform, we are debugging.
  • Started a discussion with CNAF Tier-1 support to submit jobs there, a possibly viable option was identified, exercises to validate the technical requirements will start soon.
  • Activity with Cloud@Veneto has been paused after migration to interlink 0.3 and should be revived.

A helm chart with monitoring infrastructure is being prepared by Giulio.

:arrow_forward: Acquisto FPGA

  • Macchinone 4 has been installed with:
    • 1 RTX 5000
    • 2 AMD Xilinx Alveo V70
  • We have started the very first exercises with OpenStack to provision the FPGA in pass-through, but very limited effort has been available in August (volunteers?)

:fast_forward: Advanced Hackathon

  • The First Advanced Hackathon of AI_INFN will be in Padua, on 26, 27 and 28 November 2024.

  • A preliminary indico page has been created.

  • The call for exercises is open. We have 3 volunteers for 4 slots:

    • Quantum Machine Learning
    • AI for muography
    • AI for medical imaging
  • Set a deadline for 23/9 to define the exercises.

Status legend

:arrow_forward: Active
:fast_forward: Priority
:bangbang: Problems
:parking: Postponed or Blocked by others
:white_check_mark: Completed

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 4:00 PM 4:15 PM
      News and setup 15m
      Speaker: Lucio Anderlini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 4:15 PM 4:50 PM
      Discussion on tasks and priorities 35m
      Speaker: All
    • 4:50 PM 5:00 PM
      Any other business 10m