Opening day
Submission deadline
All plenary talks will be by invitation.
However, to encourage the participation of young researchers, some flash talks will be allowed.
An abstract is mandatory (see the deadline above).
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitters by March 31st.
All instructions will be displayed right before the submission form in the "submit an abstract" button.
Please find hereby following the list of the Topics:
Muon dipole moments (magnetic and electric): theory, experiments and
future perspectives -
Charged lepton flavor violation: theory,experiment and future perspectives
New Physics opportunities with low and high energy muon beams
Neutrino physics with muon beams: theory, experiments and future perspectives
Muons beamstechnologies: production, cooling and acceleration at
different energy -
Advancements in Muon-based Facilities and Broader Applications
Muons in other fields: muography, muon spin spectroscopy,
muon-catalyzed fusion