17–28 Mar 2025
IGAP- Institute for Geometry and Physics
Europe/Rome timezone

This is an international workshop mainly aimed at stimulating discussions and collaborations on the latest progress in String Field Theory and its applications to the broad world of String Theory. 

This activity aims at continuing the spirit of the annual conferences and workshops on String Field Theory and related aspects. Previous related events were held in Benasque (2024), Benasque (2023), Prague (2022),  Cloud (2021),  Brazil (2020, online), Italy (2019) , India (2018), Brazil (2016)China (2015)Italy (2014)Israel (2012)Czechia (2011)Japan (2010)Russia (2009)Germany (2008).

Due to the limited space, participation is by invitation. People interested in participating can contact the chairperson.


IGAP- Institute for Geometry and Physics
Via Beirut 2, 34151 Trieste 34136 Trieste, Italy
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Scientific Organizers:
Theodore Erler (Czech Academy of Science)
Carlo Maccaferri (Torino University)
Martin Schnabl (Czech Academy of Science)
Xi Yin (Harvard University)
Barton Zwiebach (M.I.T. Cambridge)
Local Organizers: 
Agnese Bissi (ICTP, Trieste)
Giulio Bonelli (SISSA, Trieste)
Carlo Maccaferri (Torino University)