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Scalar fields are natural candidates for dark matter and they appear in several Gravity theories beyond General Relativity. No-hair theorems prevents the existence of stationary scalar field configurations around black holes when the scalar field is minimally coupled to the metric. Anyway, time-dependent solutions are allowed and channels of formation (e.g. supperadiance instability) have been widely studied. In that case, the scalar field endows the black hole with a time - dependent cloud till it is either shallowed by the black hole or radiated away. In recent years, the life-time of these configurations, known as scalar wigs, have been studied. It has been noticed that there exists a region of the parameters space so that they are meta-stable and their life time is much larger then the dynamical timescale. We are developing a framework to assess the detectability of these time-dependent scalar clouds around stellar mass black holes through quasi normal modes and extreme mass ratio inspirals.