11–12 Nov 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

This workshop on the subject of Dark Matter, and Cosmic Rays, aims to discuss new ideas and foster collaboration within our Astroparticle community. To achieve this goal, talks will be short (no longer than 10 minutes) and focused on proposing new ideas for collaborative projects.

We will dedicate the first morning to these talks, followed by breakout sessions to start new collaborations hands-on. The focus on Dark Matter, and Cosmic Rays (which can occur separately, and not necessarily together in the same project) is intended to create a more focused and productive meeting. We hope this will inspire similar initiatives on all topics of interest within TAsP.

To maintain agility and efficiency, we will limit the workshop attendance to a maximum of 40 people, prioritizing final-year PhD students and young postdocs if necessary.

Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini", complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126 Napoli
  • Marco Chianese
  • Fabio Iocco
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.