Large-x PDFs and heavy-quark masses
I will discuss the constraints from precision measurments of heavy-quark hadroproduction at the Large Hadron Collider on large-x parton distribution functions, in particular the gluon distribution, and heavy-quark masses, considering analyses up to NNLO QCD accuracy.
These constraints are important not only for studies at the High-Luminosity LHC, but even for the interpretation of data in far-forward LHC experiments, already taking data during Run 3.
On the other hand, recent large-x data from Drell-Yan measurements in the SeaQuest experiment have been used to constrain the isospin asymmetry of the light sea-quark distribution, disfavouring a symmetric sea at x ~ 0.3.
Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Dr. Nanako Kato -