Magnesium Diboride Thin Films for superconducting RF cavities
DrXiaoxing Xi(Temple University Philadelphia)
LNL meeting room (INFN-LNL)
LNL meeting room
MgB2 has a Tc of 40 K, a low residual resistivity, and a high Hc . RF cavities coated with MgB2 films have the potential for a higher Q and gradient than Nb cavities with an operation temperature of 4.2 K or higher. At Temple University, we have started a project to study issues related to the application of MgB2 to RF cavities, and to coat single-cell RF cavities with MgB2 film for characterization by the collaborators in accelerator-compatible environment. The key technical thrust of this project is the deposition of high quality clean MgB2 films and coatings using a hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition technique. I will review the progress to date in this project.