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Season finale: Funding Opportunities for Young Researchers

Aula Conversi (Sapienza University, Marconi Building)

Aula Conversi

Sapienza University, Marconi Building

Your PhD Seminar team is proud to present you the summer edition of the closing event of the ongoing series of PhD seminars, reaching their tenth season! This year, we have organised an afternoon dedicated to discovering the secrets of national and european funding opportunities for young researchers.

Our speakers will be Dr. Odeta Limaj, Prof. Guido Martinelli and Prof. Paolo Pani.

Odeta Limaj has been a Scientific Coordinator at the European Research Council (ERC) Executive Agency since 2016, working in the Condensed Matter Panel PE3, in the Synergy team.

Guido Martinelli has won an ERC grant in 2010 with the project DaMeSyFla and two PRIN grants in 2010 and 2015 as national coordinator. He has been member of the ERC Synergy Grant 2019 (SYG2019) Evaluation Panel PE2-Physical Sciences & Engineering, president of the CdS in the ERC PE2 sector for the MIUR PRIN grants in 2017 and PRIN projects referee. 

Paolo Pani is a winner of two Marie Curie Intra-European Fellows in 2013 and 2015 with the aStronGR and AstroGRAphy projects, respectively. He is the Principal Investigator of many grants, the most recent ones are EuroHPC by EuroHPC-PRACE (2022), PRIN (2020) and FARE (2017) by italian MIUR and DarkGRA project (2017) by ERC. He has been also member of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Ex-change (RISE) Action from 2016 to 2019.

After the event, following a session with games, you're all invited to join us for a social dinner which will take place next to our university!

If you want to follow online, the zoom link is here.

See you there!

  • Alberto Ressa
  • Alessandro Veutro
  • Andrea Cacioppo
  • anna poggialini
  • Beatrice Polacchi
  • Beth Long
  • Camilla Beneduce
  • Carlo Giorgetti
  • Chandana Hrishikesh
  • Dario Buonomo
  • Davide Fiacco
  • Davide Germani
  • Eleonora Giovannetti
  • Eleonora Giovannetti
  • Fabio Pandolfi
  • Farnoush Joulaeian
  • Francesca Attadio
  • Francesco Crescimbeni
  • Francesco D'Amico
  • Giulia Proia
  • Guido Cimino
  • Karolina Filipowicz
  • Lorenzo Arsini
  • Lorenzo Piccari
  • Loris Del Grosso
  • Luca Martinelli
  • Ludovica Serricchio
  • Massimo Guidi
  • Matteo Grasso
  • Pedro Machado
  • Pratik Lonare
  • Ravi Prakash Yadav
  • +48
    • National and European funding opportunities: Maria Skłodowska-Curie, PRIN, beforeERC, ...
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Focus on ERC: point of view of EU officers, applicants and evaluators
    • Panel session: Open discussion and networking
    • Game
    • Dinner @restaurant