Carlos Lourenco
29/05/2012, 14:15
Oral presentation
Using large data samples of di-muon events, CMS has performed detailed measurements in the field of quarkonium production. Differential cross-sections of J/psi, psi(2S) and Y(nS) states in pT and rapidity will be presented, separated in prompt and non-prompt contributions for the charmonium case: experimental results are compared with recent predictions in the context of NLO nonrelativistic...
Claudio Geuna
(CEA Saclay Irfu/SPhN)
29/05/2012, 14:35
Oral presentation
Open heavy-flavour and J/psi production measurements are powerful tools to test pQCD calculations in proton-proton collisions at the new LHC energy regime.
In addition, the measurement of open heavy-flavour and J/psi production in proton-proton collisions provides the necessary reference for the ALICE Pb-Pb program.
The ALICE experiment at the LHC collected proton-proton collisions at...
Yujiao Chen
(Columbia university)
29/05/2012, 14:55
Oral presentation
Heavy quarks are very important probes to study the hot, dense medium produced in heavy ion collisions. Heavy quarks are produced at a relatively early stage of the nucleus-nucleus collision and they may have a reduced level of gluon radiation due to a suppression of small angle gluon radiation known as the ‘dead cone effect.’ The first results on the suppression of the J/ψ as a function of...
Diego Stocco
29/05/2012, 15:15
Oral presentation
The main goal of the ALICE experiment is the study of the properties of the strongly-interacting matter at very high energy density which is formed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. Heavy-flavours (charm and beauty) have an important role in the investigation: being produced in the early stage of the collision, they are sensitive probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and allow...
Kenneth Read
(ORNL and University of Tennessee)
29/05/2012, 15:35
Oral presentation
Measurement of the production of heavy quarks in heavy ion collisions can be used to probe the early stages of the created medium, study hot and cold nuclear matter effects, and test theoretical predictions concerning quark energy loss and initial-state effects. This is a current area of active research in the field and it is important to extend such measurements to the forward region. PHENIX...