Moon Dong Ho
(Korea University)
28/05/2012, 14:00
Oral presentation
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is fully equipped to measure hard probes in the di-muon decay channel in the high multiplicity environment of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Such probes are especially relevant for studying the quark-gluon plasma since they are produced at early times and propagate through the medium, mapping its evolution. CMS has measured the nuclear modification factors of...
Jens Wiechula
(Physikalisches Institut, Universität Tübingen)
28/05/2012, 14:20
Oral presentation
Heavy quarkonium states, such as the $J/\psi$, are expected to provide essential information on the properties of high-energy heavy-ion collisions where the formation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma is expected. The impact on the $J/\psi$ production of such a hot and dense medium formed in the early times of the collision has been extensively studied at SPS and RHIC energies. It is expected that due...
Francois Arleo
28/05/2012, 14:40
Oral presentation
Quarkonium nuclear suppression in p-A collisions at large xF can be accurately described in a model based on first principles (medium-induced gluon radiation) and depending on a single free parameter. Our results strongly support `parton energy loss' as a dominant effect in quarkonium nuclear suppression, and moreover give some clue on the quarkonium hadroproduction mechanism.
Miguel Angel Escobedo
(Technische Universität München)
28/05/2012, 15:00
Oral presentation
Computations with weakly-coupled plasmas and some lattice results suggest that the heavy quarkonium potential has an imaginary part that is important in order to study dissociation. This imaginary part is due to
the scattering with partons in the medium in a process called quasi-free dissociation. At temperatures much below dissociation another process that is known to be important is the...
Ramona Vogt
(LLNL and UC Davis)
28/05/2012, 15:20
Oral presentation
We assess the theoretical uncertainties on the inclusive J/psi production
cross section in the Color Evaporation Model using values for the charm quark
mass, renormalization and factorization scales obtained
from a fit to the charm production data [1]. We use our new results to provide
improved baseline comparison calculations at RHIC and the LHC. We calculate
the fraction of J/psi...
(Subatech Nantes)
28/05/2012, 15:40
Oral presentation
J/psi suppression induced by color screening of its constituents quarks was proposed 26 years ago as a signature of the formation of a quark gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions. Recent results from ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions exhibit a smaller suppression with respect to SPS and RHIC previous measurements. The study of azimuthal anisotropy in particle production gives information on the...