Heikki Mäntysaari
(University of Jyväskylä)
31/05/2012, 16:30
Oral presentation
Single inclusive hadron production in the forward rapidiy region in
deuteron-gold collisions is well understood in the Color Glass Condensate
(CGC) framework. As a complement to single inclusive spectra, detailed
information is obtained with two-particle correlations. Recent
measurements of the azimuthal angle correlations at RHIC have shown that
there is a strong suppression of the...
Richard Seto
(University of California, Riverside)
31/05/2012, 16:50
Oral presentation
The field of Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics has made great strides in
the past decade with the establishment of the strongly interacting
Quark Gluon Plasma (sQGP) in high energy collisions of heavy ions at
the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and now at the LHC.
Experience has taught us that large rapidity coverage, as well as
careful measurements of cold nuclear matter will be...
(ECT*, Trento)
31/05/2012, 17:10
Oral presentation
At high energy and/or for large atomic numbers the wave-function of a generic hadron is dominated by gluon modes with soft longitudinal momenta and high occupation numbers, which can reach the state of saturation. This state, known as the Color Glass Condensate (CGC), is universal and can manifest itself in any hadronic process involving small-x partons, like deep inelastic scattering and...
Ilkka Helenius
(University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics)
31/05/2012, 17:30
Oral presentation
The knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) is essential for interpreting any hard-process results from hadronic and nuclear collisions. The nuclear modifications of PDFs have been successfully determined through a global DGLAP analysis e.g. in the sets EKS98 and more recently EPS09. So far the nuclear PDFs (nPDFs) in the global fits have been taken to be spatially independent....
Wei-Tian Deng
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
31/05/2012, 17:50
Oral presentation
Multiple hard and semi-hard parton scatterings in high-energy $p+A$ collisions involve multi-parton correlation in both momentum and flavor inside the projectile proton which will lead to modification of the final hadron spectra relative to that in $p+p$ collisions. Such modification of final hadron transverse momentum spectra in $p+A$ collisions is studied within HIJING 2.1 Monte Carlo model...
Tuomas Lappi
(University of Jyväskylä)
31/05/2012, 18:10
Oral presentation
Multiparticle correlations, such as the "ridge" effect in pp and AA collisions and forward dihadron correlations in pA collisions, are an important probe of the strong color fields that dominate the initial stages of a heavy ion collision. We argue that the Color Glass Condensate framework provides the most natural way to understand them.
We describe recent progress in understanding...