Alice Ohlson
(Yale University)
A measurement of the correlation between the axes of reconstructed jets and the reaction plane of the bulk medium (known as jet v2) and the higher-order participant planes (jet vn) provides information on the pathlength dependence of medium-induced parton energy loss as well as biases in jet-finding methods. Additionally, knowledge of jet vn and the ability to reconstruct the event plane in the presence of a jet are necessary in analyses of jet-particle correlations, which are used to study medium-induced jet shape modification.
A simple Monte Carlo Glauber model indicates that the average parton pathlength through the medium depends on the parton’s relative angle to the n-th order participant planes, leading to a visible jet vn. However, measurements of jet vn are non-trivial because the presence of a jet can significantly bias the participant plane calculation, leading to an overestimation of jet vn. A method is presented for calculating jet vn and the event plane in an unbiased way, using knowledge of the azimuthal angle of the jet axis from full jet reconstruction.
Primary author
Alice Ohlson
(Yale University)