27 May 2012 to 1 June 2012
Cagliari - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurement of the coefficients and correlations between higher-order flow harmonics with the ATLAS detector

28 May 2012, 15:20
parallel room T1C (Cagliari - Italy)

parallel room T1C

Cagliari - Italy

T-Hotel Conference Centre
Oral presentation Parallel IC: Correlations


Jia JIANGYONG (Stony Brook University and BNL)


Recently, the study of harmonic flow coefficients v_n has been the focus of many experimental efforts in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC. These coefficients are believed to be associated with the various shape components in the initial geometry, arising from fluctuations of the participating nucleons in the overlap region. The orientation of these harmonic flow (event plane or $\Psi_n$) are generally correlated due to the correlations between the original shape components in the initial geometry. We present detailed measurements of coefficients v_1-v_6, obtained from event plane, two-particle correlation and cumulant methods, as well as measurements of various event plane correlations involving $\Psi_2$ to $\Psi_6$ in Pb-Pb collisions. We discuss the implications of these results on our understanding of the nature of the initial geometry, and on the dynamical evolution of the medium.

Primary author

Jia JIANGYONG (Stony Brook University and BNL)

Presentation materials