Peter Christiansen
(Lund University)
The production of particles at high $p_T$ in pp collisions can be described using perturbative QCD. In Pb-Pb collisions the observed yield of high $p_T$ particles is much smaller than expected from binary scaling because of strong final state interactions with the surrounding dense medium. Experiments at RHIC have shown that this modification is very different for mesons and baryons.
In the ALICE experiment it is possible to identify particles with very high transverse momentum, $p_T \gg 3$~GeV/c. Charged pions and kaons+protons (together) can be identified from the $dE/dx$, measured in the Time Projection Chamber, thanks to the separation on the relativistic rise. $K^0_s$ and $\Lambda$ can be identified from their V0 weak decay topology.
In this talk preliminary results from measurements in pp at $\sqrt{s} = 2.76$~TeV and Pb-Pb at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76$~TeV for $3.0 < p_T < 20.0$~GeV/c will be shown. The evolution of $R_{AA}$ for identified particles with
centrality and $p_T$ will be discussed and compared to unidentified charged particles, theoretical predictions, and measurements at RHIC.
Primary author
Peter Christiansen
(Lund University)