27 May 2012 to 1 June 2012
Cagliari - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

D mesons suppression in Pb--Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV measured by ALICE

28 May 2012, 16:30
parallel room T3 (Cagliari - Italy)

parallel room T3

Cagliari - Italy

T-Hotel Conference Centre
Oral presentation Parallel IIA: Heavy flavour


Zaida Conesa del Valle (CERN)


The production of the prompt charm mesons D0, D+, D∗+, and their antiparticles, in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC, at a centre-of-mass energy sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV per nucleon–nucleon collision, has been measured with the ALICE detector. The pt-differential production yields in the range 2 < pt < 16 GeV/c at central rapidity, |y| < 0.5, were used to calculate the nuclear modification factor RAA with respect to a proton–proton reference obtained from the cross section measured at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV and scaled to sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV. For the three meson species, RAA shows a suppression of a factor 3–4, for transverse momenta larger than 5 GeV/c in the 20% most central collisions. The suppression is reduced for peripheral collisions. Prospects for extending these measurements using the Pb–Pb data collected during the 2011 data taking period will also be discussed.

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