27 May 2012 to 1 June 2012
Cagliari - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Quarkonium production in pp collisions with CMS

29 May 2012, 14:15
parallel room T3 (Cagliari - Italy)

parallel room T3

Cagliari - Italy

T-Hotel Conference Centre
Oral presentation Parallel IIIA: Heavy flavour


Carlos Lourenco (CERN)


Using large data samples of di-muon events, CMS has performed detailed measurements in the field of quarkonium production. Differential cross-sections of J/psi, psi(2S) and Y(nS) states in pT and rapidity will be presented, separated in prompt and non-prompt contributions for the charmonium case: experimental results are compared with recent predictions in the context of NLO nonrelativistic QCD and the FONLL scheme. Studies of P-wave charmonia and bottomonia (chi_c, chi_b), using the decay mode (J/psi, Y) + gamma where the photon converts in an e+e- pair inside the detector, will be also discussed.

Primary author

Presentation materials