- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Zoom link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/99089811075?pwd=b0dDQTBjY09Wa2NrWjdSZ3M5dHpKdz09
attendees: AlbertoC FrancescaE Amrit Gautam FrancescaB Pietro Lorenzo SofiaT Giovanni Arvind Nicolo' Roberto Nicola Roberto Rajesh Davide Giulia Marco Rosario Neelima Riccardo Sandro Gleb
Welcome to Gautam (from US) which is a INFN-DOE Summer student.
see slides for details
Pietro: as usual a lot of stuff going on on people and activities. Note SofiaS is new SRC for TOF. The ALICE3 discussion has reached a critical point with
Ruturarna: good prrogresses on both analyais (deuteron @ 900 and SigmaC). In two weeks the MC should be out for deuterons and then next step is go to paper. For SIgmaC task is ready and once pull request will be accepted there will be first look at all data. TBD how to keep the groups (BO-SA) involved on these takls
working on antinuclei reconstruction efficiency inside and outside of jets
2d reweighting is needed as a function of eta and pt. Two methods:
Nicola :
summary of test beam just happeened. (May-June). Good results on PID already, but many optimization (including tracking info from GEM and SiPM) . Tons of data avaiilable feel free to join the analyzers crew --> contact Nicola