21–22 giu 2024
Osservatorio astrofisico di Asiago
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Search for a Josephson-like effect in the $^{116}$Sn+$^{60}$Ni system

21 giu 2024, 18:00
Osservatorio astrofisico di Asiago

Osservatorio astrofisico di Asiago

Via dell'Osservatorio 8 - 36012 Asiago (VI)


Giuseppe Andreetta (INFN-LNL and UNIPD)


The pairing interaction, responsible for the two-nucleon correlation, plays a fundamental role in defining the low-energy spectra of atomic nuclei and the properties of their ground state. The effect of pairing correlations in the reaction dynamics can be explored by using heavy-ion reactions, in particular those involving a transfer of few nucleons. In this context, an interesting analogy between the nuclear pairing and the Cooper pairing in superconductors can be investigated through heavy-ion collisions, focusing on nucleon-pair transfer and searching for a possible effect, predicted by a BCS-like theory applied to nuclei: the Josephson Effect. The idea was already suggested in the ’70s, but only recently more quantitative calculations, assisted by promising experimental results, revived the interest on the subject and ignited a more systematic research. The transfer of neutron Cooper pairs was therefore studied through the interaction between two superfluid nuclei, $^{116}$Sn and $^{60}$Ni, using the Advances Gamma-Ray Tracking Spectrometer AGATA and the large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer PRISMA at Legnaro National Laboratories, INFN.

Autore principale

Giuseppe Andreetta (INFN-LNL and UNIPD)

Materiali di presentazione