Cosmological acceleration from regular black holes
Cosmological acceleration is difficult to accommodate in theories of fundamental interactions involving supergravity and superstrings. An alternative is that the acceleration is not universal but happens in a large localized region, which is possible in theories admitting regular black holes with de Sitter–like interiors. We considerably strengthen this scenario by placing it in a global anti–de Sitter background, where the formation of "de Sitter bubbles" will be enhanced by mechanisms analogous to the Bizoń-Rostworowski instability in general relativity. This opens an arena for discussing the production of multiple accelerating universes from anti–de Sitter fluctuations. We demonstrate such collapse enhancement by explicit numerical work in the context of a simple two-dimensional dilaton-gravity model that mimics the spherically symmetric sector of higher-dimensional gravities.
Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Dr. Nanako Kato -