Oct 7 – 11, 2024
Hotel Four Points by Sheraton
Europe/Rome timezone

The Geant4 group of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare is glad to host the XXIX Geant4 Collaboration Meeting in Catania, Italy, from October 7th to 11th, 2024. The event is restricted to members and contributors of the Geant4 Collaboration and to guests invited by the Steering Board.

The venue of the Collaboration Meeting is the Sheraton Four Point Hotel in Catania.

The registration fee is 390 euros. It includes 4 lunches, the coffee breaks, as well as the social event and the social dinner. Accommodation costs are in charge of the participants. Until August 10th, rooms can be booked at the Sheraton Hotel at the special rate of 128 euros/night + city tax (see Travel and accommodation section).

The registration is currently open at this link (deadline: September 23rd at 09:00 A.M. CEST).

Hotel Four Points by Sheraton
Hotel Four Points by Sheraton Via Antonello da Messina 45 I-95021 Aci Castello, Catania Italy
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