
Hagedorn temperature in AdS/CFT

A cura di Troels Harmark

Abstract: The Hagedorn temperature is a source of continuing fascination and insight into thermal physics of strings and gauge theories. Originally proposed in QCD, the exponential growth of states associated to the Hagedorn temperature was found to be a feature of string theory as well. The deeper reason for this shared feature is now seen as a consequence of the duality between gauge and string theories, as first made precise by the AdS/CFT correspondence. We review how one can employ integrability to find the Hagedorn temperature of N=4 SYM, making it possible to access the strong coupling regime by a numerical calculation. On the dual string theory side, we review that one can find the Hagedorn temperature as a winding mode along a thermal circle. We propose a curvature-corrected thermal scalar equation of motion which can reproduce the Hagedorn temperature of type II string theory on pp-waves with Ramond-Ramond flux. We employ this new description to obtain the correct Hagedorn temperature on AdS spaces, including AdS5 x S5.