INDIGO IAM developers community meeting

Enrico Vianello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Francesco Giacomini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

This meeting is dedicated to the community of INDIGO IAM developers. INDIGO IAM has been developing at INFN-CNAF since 2016. Having realized from the recent IAM Hackathon that there is the interest on extending the contributes, we decided to start having this community meeting. This meeting will start with people from INFN-CNAF and STFC but everyone who is interested on contributing is welcome!

VOMS-AA replica - Presented by D. Marcato


  • VOMS Admin Server will be switched off in June!
  • Master DB (at CERN) replicated at CNAF
  • VOMS Client can connect to both the VOMS-AA instances (at CNAF & at CERN)
  • Try to add another VOMS-AA replica at CERN to reduce network traffic?

Suspending clients - PR by G. Manoj


  • Iam Test Client -> if the client is disabled we get an "Invalid Client, disabled!" error AFTER the consent page. Is it possible to show this message BEFORE the consent page?
  • The old ATs obtained from the now-disabled client should be invalidated? Maybe NO, keep old tokens and stop client from obtaining new tokens. Ask opinion to Francesco and Maarten
  • Any admin can disable/re-enable clients

Indigo IAM 1.8.4 release summary


We will release soon a final RC: just a few PRs will be merged ad a new RC (refresh token value index, charset for saved-user-auth column).
All the tasks in-progress|on-review have been moved to next IAM v1.9.0.

Summary of the Data Challenge 2024


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:30 15:15
      Round robin for in-progress developments 45m

      IAM v1.8.4 board

      List of tasks: TBD

      Speaker: Enrico Vianello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 15:15 15:30
      AOB 15m
      • CERN IAM HA deployment meeting next week: to-be-scheduled
      • IAM Hackathon news?
      Speakers: Enrico Vianello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Francesco Giacomini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)