Higgs; the measurement of a lifetime

IR-1A (Sala Riunioni I piano) (Via Irnerio 46)

IR-1A (Sala Riunioni I piano)

Via Irnerio 46

Matouš Vozák (Nikhef), Zef Wolffs (Nikhef)

Servizi INFN Bologna ti sta invitando a una riunione pianificata in Zoom.

Argomento: Seminario Higgs
Ora: 22 feb 2024 03:00 PM Roma

Entra Zoom Riunione

Organised by

Maximiliano Sioli

    • 15:00 17:00
      Higgs; the measurement of a lifetime 2h

      To understand elementary particles and the interactions between them, the current best theory, Standard Model (SM), has to be put to test against data from real experiments. The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is at the frontier of this fundamental research by recording data from proton-proton collisions at unprecedented energies of 13.6 TeV. By reconstructing a picture of the collision’s aftermath it is possible to make inferences about what happens during these interactions. The SM predicts that there is a small chance of a Higgs boson to be produced during these highly energetic collisions, which was also confirmed in 2012. Ever since, scientists have put Higgs particle under more scrutiny by performing precise measurements of its properties. One such property is the lifetime of Higgs boson. This quantity is extremely small and the particle in question decays even before reaching the first layers of the ATLAS detector. Moreover, the lifetime of the Higgs is related to which particles it interacts with and how strongly. Therefore, extracting the property and its possible deviation from the SM prediction provides a strong indication of the existence of new yet undiscovered particles. Only in recent years have ATLAS achieved necessary precision to really probe Higgs's lifetime. This talk will explain how such precision is achieved and simultaneously will highlight areas of possible future improvements.