QCD confinement, Fundamental Symmetries and BSM
- Liping Gan (University of North Carolina Wilmington)
QCD confinement, Fundamental Symmetries and BSM
- Marco Battaglieri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
When discussing the Standard Model and the origin of mass, the Higgs boson often comes to mind. However, the majority of the mass in the visible universe arises from the nuclear strong interactions governed by quantum chromodynamics. In this presentation, we will explore how the study of pseudoscalar mesons can shed light on the origin of mass within the Standard Model and enhance our...
Hadronic and radiative decays of light meson decays offer a privileged environment to test QCD and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A new generation of precision experiments in hadron physics will soon offer new data that will provide sensitive probes to test potential New Physics including searches for dark photons, light scalars and axion-like particles, complementing worldwide...