- Matthew Shepherd (Indiana University)
- Matthew Shepherd (Indiana University)
In this talk we will present prospects and studies to facilitate spectroscopy of XYZ states in the charmonium mass region with the GlueX spectrometer in Hall-D and 22GeV of CEBAF electron beam energy. The current state of simulations for signal and background contributions will be shown and we will discuss the complementarity of this program with respect to the program proposed for...
The KLF project aims to discover many new particles in the strange quark sector, elucidate the interaction of strange-quark containing baryons (hyperons) with nucleons and, through the unprecedented Kaon flux of 1 billion Kaons per day enable searches for rare KL decays at new limits. Alongside the hadron physics impact KLF can deliver key data for fundamental astrophysics including a deeper...
Understanding hadron formation is one of the fundamental goals of hadron physics. It is essential way to investigate the effective degrees of freedom of hadrons such as the quark-quark correlation, namely the diquark correlation. Spectroscopic observations of charmed and multi-strange baryons can provide a unique opportunity to study diquark correlation. Systematic studies of charmed and...