In this talk we will present prospects and studies to facilitate spectroscopy of XYZ states in the charmonium mass region with the GlueX spectrometer in Hall-D and 22GeV of CEBAF electron beam energy. The current state of simulations for signal and background contributions will be shown and we will discuss the complementarity of this program with respect to the program proposed for...
The KLF project aims to discover many new particles in the strange quark sector, elucidate the interaction of strange-quark containing baryons (hyperons) with nucleons and, through the unprecedented Kaon flux of 1 billion Kaons per day enable searches for rare KL decays at new limits. Alongside the hadron physics impact KLF can deliver key data for fundamental astrophysics including a deeper...
Understanding hadron formation is one of the fundamental goals of hadron physics. It is essential way to investigate the effective degrees of freedom of hadrons such as the quark-quark correlation, namely the diquark correlation. Spectroscopic observations of charmed and multi-strange baryons can provide a unique opportunity to study diquark correlation. Systematic studies of charmed and...
JLab22 allows precision study of light sea at intermediate-x region. Studies are being performed on SIDIS measurements in Hall C to extract information on unpolarized light sea quark distributions and with SoLID for polarized case.
The Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) is a forward-scattering spectrometer situated in Hall-A at Jefferson Lab. With its large acceptance and full azimuthal angular coverage, SoLID can effectively manage high luminosities ranging from 10^{37} to 10^{39}/cm2/s utilizing both polarized and unpolarized targets. The detector leverages the full capabilities of the JLab 12 GeV upgrade and is...
We will discuss how data from JLab@22GeV, combined with expected low-$x$ measurements from the EIC, can determine the QCD coupling $\alpha_s$ with an accuracy comparable to that of all current world data combined. Furthermore, this approach represents the first extraction of $\alpha_s$ directly sensitive to effects beyond its leading-order evolution, offering a novel test of perturbative QCD...
Meson and Nucleon Form Factors are fundamental hadron structure observables which give much information on QCD's transition from strong to perturbative scales as the probing interaction becomes increasingly hard. The interest in charged pion and kaon form factors is due to their relatively simple qbar-q valence structure and their status as Goldstone bosons of QCD. The measurement of the...
To obtain a clearer picture of QCD itself, it is important to study a wide range of structures in various color confined systems. In recent years, we have made considerable progress in understanding the structure of pions, the lightest of all hadrons, through Drell-Yan (DY) and leading neutron (LN) electroproduction data. However, kinematic overlap between these experiments is limited, and...
We present a first analysis by the CTEQ-JLab (CJ) Collaboration of the potential impact of data from a 22 GeV upgrade of Jefferson Lab on parton distribution functions (PDFs) in the large-momentum fraction (large x) region. Using Monte Carlo pseudodata generated for the kinematic coverage of Hall C, we examine the constraints that these new data could provide on PDFs, Higher-Twist (HT)...
From 2002 to 2022, the COMPASS collaboration performed a series of nucleon spin structure measurements employing high-energy muon beams impinging on polarized targets.
Over the years, the experiment has become a pivotal contributor to the investigation of parton transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) phenomena.
This presentation will focus on selected highlights of the COMPASS TMD programme,...
Monte Carlo event generators are foundational to the simulation of a high-energy physics experiment. Pythia, a general-purpose event generator commonly used for Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) studies, is highly configurable and provides the option to allow user program code to modify the event generation procedure. The String+$^3P_0$ model shows promise in describing the spin...
With 22 GeV electrons striking a fixed proton or nuclear target, there is a regime where the highest momentum pion or rho meson electroproduction proceeds by a perturbatively calculable process. The process is not the leading twist fragmentation one but rather a higher twist process that produces kinematically isolated mesons. Our calculations demonstrate, in particular, that an energy...
We briefly review the (not abundant) literature on hadron mass corrections in SIDIS, and numerically evaluate their impact on calculations of pT-integrated cross sections at 22 GeV. Even though power suppressed as 1/Q^2, these corrections are not negligible for pion production and large for kaon production. This calls for renewed theoretical and phenomenological community efforts, especially...
Sub-leading twist contributions to scattering processes, such as semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), are gaining increased attention as they provide valuable insights that complement leading-twist contributions in probing the proton structure.
In this talk I will present the results for the matching relations of twist-3 transverse momentum dependent distributions (TMDs) onto collinear distributions...
Exploration of regions of hadron production in SIDIS depends strongly on the energy span and the luminosity of experimental measurements. In this talk I will present the future opportunities at Jefferson Lab upgrade
at 22 GeV on the basis of the "affinity" to each relevant kinematic region (TMD, central, collinear). One of the key aspects of the
experimental program of Jefferson Lab is the...
In this talk, we introduce a new approach for parameterizing Transverse-Momentum Dependent PDF (TMDs). By treating TMDs as multidimensional images or tensors, we propose a pixel-based representation. This novel perspective offers a versatile framework for analyzing and manipulating TMDs, enabling us to leverage a wide range of image processing techniques.
We will demonstrate the effectiveness...
In this talk, we report the latest results from the MAP Collaboration on the extraction of unpolarized quark Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Parton Distributions (TMD PDFs) and Fragmentation Functions (TMD FFs) based on global fits to Drell-Yan and Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) datasets. Specifically, we examine the impact of incorporating flavor dependence in the...
In this talk, I present the recent results from the MAP Collaboration on the extraction of the quark transverse-momentum-dependent helicity distribution (helicity TMD), which will offer insights into the difference between the three-dimensional motion of quarks with polarization parallel or antiparallel to the longitudinal polarization of the parent hadron. By analyzing experimental data of...
A recent global QCD analysis of jet production and other polarized scattering data has found the presence of negative solutions for the gluon helicity distribution in the proton, $\Delta g$, along with the traditional $\Delta g > 0$ solutions. We consider polarized semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering for hadrons produced with large transverse momentum as a means of constraining the...
I will present the resent extension of the AFFINITY numerical tool that allows experimental data to be connected to the corresponding theoretical framework. More specifically, I will focus on the affinity to the TMD region as predicted for the upgraded JLab22 kinematics in comparison with the existing JLab12 and the planned EIC experiments.
Affinity projections show that the high increase in...
The charmonium photo/electro-production close to threshold can be used, under certain assumptions, to study the the gluon properties of the nucleon such as gluon form factors, mass radius of the proton, and the anomalous contribution to the proton mass. I will present analysis of the existing JLab J/psi data discussing the possibility of extracting gluon form factors based on some general...
This talk will discuss upcoming tagged deep inelastic scattering (TDIS) measurements at Jefferson Lab, which will directly probe the elusive mesonic content of the nucleon. The TDIS experiment will measure low momentum recoiling (and spectator) hadrons in coincidence with deep inelastically scattered electrons from hydrogen (and deuterium) targets. Through use of a recoil detector, a tagging...
On behalf of the CLAS Collaboration
Studies of nucleon resonance electroexcitation amplitudes are providing insight into many facets of strong QCD dynamics. These amplitudes have become available from the analyses of exclusive electroproduction experiments at Jefferson Lab with CLAS in the range of momentum transfers up to 5 GeV$^2$ and are currently extended to momentum transfers up to 10...
Understanding the strong interaction dynamics, which triggers the emergence of hadron mass (EHM), presents a challenging problem within the Standard Model of particle physics. Experimental extraction of electromagnetic and transition form factors of mesons and baryons for increasingly larger virtual photon four-momentum squared (i.e., photon virtuality,) as well as their more complete...
This presentation covers recent advancements in the refined simulations of double pion electroproduction for CLAS22. Double pion production provides a valuable probe of baryon structure, requiring accurate simulations for proper interpretation of experimental data. The presentation addresses the feasibility of extending the kinematic coverage beyond CLAS12, discussing resolution and acceptance...
Using Thomas Jefferson's National Accelerator Facility's 10.6 GeV beam
and the CLAS12 large solid angle spectrometer, inclusive electron proton cross sections were measured over a wide kinematic range from the pion threshold up to an invariant mass W of 2.55 GeV, for ten Q^2 bins between 2.5 and 10.4 GeV^2. These results were validated against existing world data set in the overlap region and...
At J-PARC, a project to extend the Hadron Experimental Hall is underway, where various nuclear and hadron physics experiments will be conducted. Among them, the precision spectroscopy of $\Lambda$ hypernuclei stands as one of the flagship experiments. Recently, at JLab, new $\Lambda$ hypernuclear experiments using electron beams have been approved, and hypernuclear spectroscopy will be...
One of the main challenges in the extraction of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) from the currently available experimental data is that experimental observables can access only two of three variables, x, ξ, and t, that define the GPDs. The variable 𝑥 is integrated over in the DVCS and TCS amplitudes due to the loop in the “handbag” diagrams. The only information that can be accessed in...
We present the description of the structure of light-nuclei (H2, H3, He3 and He4) in impulse approximation within the Light-Front approach [1,2], retaining nucleonic dof, only. In particular, the latter has been applied to investigate the reaction mechanism of polarized and unpolarized deep inelastic scattering (DIS) on nuclear targets, in the valence region and in the Bjorken limit [3,4,5]....
Much has been learned about 2N short-range correlations in JLab's 6 and 12 GeV eras, with more still coming up. However, a successful observation of 3N SRCs still eludes us. Based on predictions, the current kinematic reach at JLab is right on the edge of where 3N SRCs should start to dominate and an observation is possible, but not inevitable. We will discuss planned and soon to be...
The deuteron is a spin-1 system, and its tensor properties continue to be elusive in experimental measurements due to the complexity of the polarized target. Recently, there has been an increase in interest in the physics of the tensor components of this system due to advances in target technology. This talk will discuss the implications of studying semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering...
The microscopic origin of the EMC effect remains a mystery, with new observables proposed in recent years to elucidate its origin including measurements of the spin and flavor dependence of the EMC effect, the A dependence in light nuclei, and tagged measurements of DIS in the deuteron. A new possibility, enabled by a JLab energy upgrade, would maintain the clean interpretation of the...
Searching for the onset of Color Transparency (CT) is a vibrant experimental effort to observe hadrons in a small color-neutral transverse size configuration in the nucleus. The observation of the onset of CT lies at the intersections between the quark-gluon degrees of freedom and the nucleonic descriptions of nuclei. CT is fundamentally predicted by perturbative quantum chromodynamics and is...
The main focus of the Jefferson Lab physics program of 6 GeV and 12 GeV era, which are now proposed to be extended here to 22 GeV, is to determine the mechanisms of confinement in hadron formation. A significant amount of information has been collected on understanding confinement through hadron spectroscopy. Another approach was introduced through the string-breaking mechanism studied via...
Decades after the discovery of the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) effect, theorists and experimentalists are still working to unravel its origin and deploy new methods to understand the in-medium modifications of nucleon structure. One novel way to probe the EMC effect is to study the fundamental structure of light nuclei, such as ²H and ⁴He, via the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS)...
In this talk I will discuss the physics opportunities of studying quark structures w/ 22GeV electrons scattering off nuclei, mainly focusing on investigation of the unpolarized EMC effect, anti-shadowing effect, the 3D nuclear structure and other dynamics nuclear medium effects.
An upgrade of CEBAF at Jefferson Lab to around 22 GeV will open up key science that is not possible to access at 12 GeV. One kinematic regime where this is most possible is in the "middle" Bjorken x regime around 0.1, where the available momentum transfers at 12 GeV have limited or precluded several exciting measurements. Here, the long-standing mystery of anti-shadowing may now be probed for...
When discussing the Standard Model and the origin of mass, the Higgs boson often comes to mind. However, the majority of the mass in the visible universe arises from the nuclear strong interactions governed by quantum chromodynamics. In this presentation, we will explore how the study of pseudoscalar mesons can shed light on the origin of mass within the Standard Model and enhance our...
Hadronic and radiative decays of light meson decays offer a privileged environment to test QCD and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A new generation of precision experiments in hadron physics will soon offer new data that will provide sensitive probes to test potential New Physics including searches for dark photons, light scalars and axion-like particles, complementing worldwide...
The proton’s internal structure has been probed through electromagnetic and weak interactions for over 70 years and very precise data on the electromagnetic and electroweak form factors have been determined. About the protons gravitational structure and mechanical properties, we have very little information albeit theoretical investigations were conducted already in the early 1960’s. There was...
Our knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of nucleons in terms of structure functions, will be soon improved by measurements at recent and future planned experiments. In this talk I will discuss the impact of measurements at SoLID and EPIC on the uncertainties of polarized and unpolarized TMDs.