14–18 Oct 2024
CEUB, Bertinoro
Europe/Rome timezone

Study of impact of an aluminium layer as a shield against magnetic fields

16 Oct 2024, 16:45
Sala Giovanni Andrea Caligari, Rocca Vescovile (CEUB, Bertinoro)

Sala Giovanni Andrea Caligari, Rocca Vescovile

CEUB, Bertinoro

CEUB Bertinoro Via Aldruda Frangipane, 6, 47032 Bertinoro FC The room "Sala Giovanni Andrea Caligari" is located at the entrance to the main floor of the Rocca


Marco Maria Zanirato


The CRESST experiment aims to search for rare events by using Transition Edge Sensors (TES) made out of a superconducting thin layer of tungsten as super-sensitive thermometers. The superconducting properties of a material depend on both its temperature and on the magnetic field applied to it. While the temperature stability of the sensors is very well achieved by the design of the experiment, the shielding of the CRESST sensors against the variation of the magnetic field is still under investigation. In my project, I exploit the Meissner effect of superconducting materials to achieve such a goal. In the poster I will present the first results of my research and the next steps.

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