Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Sapienza University of Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

A covariant approach to relativistic large-eddy simulations

Sep 18, 2024, 5:20 PM
Conversi Room (Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)

Conversi Room

Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome


Thomas Celora (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC))


The first detection of a neutron star binary merger has made sharp reality the long-standing paradigm that these cosmic fireworks are exciting laboratories for extreme physics. To get the most out of observations, however, we need accurate modelling of the merger dynamics via numerical relativity simulations. In this respect, the large amount of numerical work carried out over the last decade has allowed us to obtain a robust, but broad-brush, picture of the merger dynamics. Current simulations are in fact far from resolving the full range of scales involved, particularly because of the development of turbulence in the merger remnant. This has motivated recent efforts towards adapting the large-eddy simulation strategy to the relativistic setting relevant for binary mergers. Despite the impressive results that such efforts have already delivered, however, all the practical implementations so far are problematic in that they break covariance. In this talk, I will discuss a theoretical framework that allows us to overcome said limitations, and go on to present a practical implementation of the first fully-covariant filtering strategy in relativity.

Primary authors

Prof. Greg Comer (Saint Louis University) Prof. Ian Hawke (University of Southampton) Mr Marcus Hatton (University of Southampton) Prof. Nils Andersson (University of Southampton) Thomas Celora (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC))

Presentation materials