The Standard Theory of Fundamental Interactions 50 years after discovery: From Charmonium to the Exotic Hadrons
Aula A (Dipartimento di Fisica)
Aula A
Dipartimento di Fisica
Speaker: Luciano Maiani
Starting from the November Revolution initiated in 1974 by the discovery of J/, I will illustrate the progress made with the Standard Theory in the theoretical description of hadrons as quark-antiquark and three quark states (mesons and baryons, respectively). In 2003, the discovery of the X(3872) meson opened a new chapter, the so-called exotic hadrons, not fitting in the previous picture and presumably made by four or five quarks: Tetraquarks and Pentaquarks. I will describe recent progress in this field, arriving to the latest studies in Roma and CERN of hidden charm and double charm tetraquarks.