Sep 23 – 25, 2024
Accademia Pontaniana - Napoli
Europe/Rome timezone

Theories of the Fundamental Interactions is a bi-annual meeting organized by the INFN Networks GAST, GSS and ST&FI, which represent the Italian scientific community working on perturbative and non-perturbative (supersymmetric) quantum gauge theories, (super)gravity, string theory, conformal field theories and integrable models, gauge/gravity holography and their applications to black holes, cosmology and condensed matter systems.

The 8th meeting will take place at the Accademia Pontaniana in Naples from September 23 to September 25, 2024.

The programme will include three review lectures, regular talks given by young researchers and a poster session.

Review speakers

Alex Belin (UniMiB): von Neumann Algebras in Quantum Gravity

Francesco Benini (SISSA): Generalised Symmetries

Susanne Reffert (Bern U.): Large Charge

Regular talks

Stefano Baiguera (Perugia-Brescia)

Bruno Bucciotti (Pisa)

Tommaso Canneti (Firenze)

Riccardo Comi (Milano Bicocca)

Giuseppe Dibitetto (Roma Tor Vergata)

Filippo Fecit (Bologna)

Dario Francia (Roma Tre)

Pavlo Gavrylenko (Trieste)

Giorgio Leone (Torino)

Ling Lin (Bologna)

Marco Meineri (Torino)

Sophie Mueller (Parma)

Michel Pannier (Napoli)

Davide Polvara (Padova)

Salvatore Raucci (Pisa)

Tomas Reis (Trieste)

Marco Scalisi (Catania)

Colin Sterckx (Padova)

Marcia Tenser (Milano-Lecce)

Chiara Toldo (Milano)

Bernardo Zan (Genova)

Scientific Advisory Board

Davide Cassani (Padova), Marialuisa Frau (Torino), Domenico Seminara (Firenze)

Local Organizers

Raffaele Marotta, Wolfgang Mück, Francesco Sannino, Charlotte Sleight, Massimo Taronna





The workshop picture is The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1881). Image courtesy Clark Art Institute.

This conference has been organized with the contributions of INFN and Università Federico II.

We extend our gratitude to Giuseppe Longo for introducing us to the Accademia Pontaniana.

Accademia Pontaniana - Napoli
Aula Magna
Via Mezzocannone, 8 - 80134 Napoli
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