
Gapping the dilaton with a chemical potential

A cura di Daniele Musso (Oviedo University & ICTEA)

Room 281 (Physics and astronomy department)

Room 281

Physics and astronomy department

The standard Goldstone theorem does not apply to dilatation symmetry and the emergence of a dilaton can require fine tuning. At zero temperature but finite chemical potential dilatations can still be broken spontaneously. We argue however that the dilaton is generically expected to acquire a real gap proportional to the chemical potential. We corroborate such expectation by means of a generalized superfluid toy-model at zero temperature. We turn then to the opposite regime where temperature is the dominating scale. Here a hydrodynamic approach shows that the dilaton is expected again to acquire a gap related to the chemical potential, but the gap is now purely immaginary. We comment the generic relevance and the possible emergence of a consistent picture which nevertheless needs further investigations at intermediate temperature regimes.