GJC: Francesco Crescimbeni "Measuring distance and inclination of precessing compact binaries with gravitational waves"
Sala Cortini (Fermi)
Sala Cortini
CBC systems detected by the LIGO and Virgo interferometers have marked the beginning of observative gravitational-wave astronomy: the field of application extends from the astrophysical properties of the objects to cosmology and particle physics. Everything we learn from these detections can be addressed in performing bayesian inference simulations, in which one extracts the distribution of the CBC parameters given a GW event. However, two of the parameters, the luminosity distance and the inclination angle, are bad-estimated, due to the presence of an intrinsic "degeneracy". This lack on precision leads to large relative errors, which may affect connected astrophysical parameters, for instance the Hubble constant. In this talk, I will show strategies on how to break this "degeneracy" by introducing precession and high-order mode effects in the simulation: as those effects increase, so the parameters are better recovered. Furthermore, I will show how the effect of high-order modes can be relevant for helping to reduce or break the degeneracy.