18–19 Jan 2024
Dip. Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

New bounds on monopole abundance from cosmic magnetic fields

18 Jan 2024, 15:40
Aula C (Dip. Fisica )

Aula C

Dip. Fisica

Via P. Giuria 1, 10125 Torino


Daniele Perri


Magnetic monopoles are inevitable predictions of theories like GUTs. They are produced during phase transitions in the early universe, but mechanisms like the Schwinger effect in strong magnetic fields could also contribute to the monopole number density. I will show how from the detection of intergalactic magnetic fields of primordial origin, we can infer additional bounds on the magnetic monopole flux and how even well-established limits, such as Parker bounds and direct search, are affected by intergalactic magnetic fields. I will also discuss the implications of these bounds for minicharged monopoles and magnetic black holes as dark matter candidates, and monopole pair production in primordial magnetic fields.

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