Speaker: Marco Incagli
The muon magnetic moment anomaly $a_\mu$ = (g − 2)/2 is one of the most precisely measured and predicted quantities in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A long history of improved measurements and improved theoretical understanding led the way from the first prediction by Schwinger in 1948 to the previously best measured value of the magnetic anomaly with a precision of 500 parts per billion. The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab aims to measure a_mu with a final accuracy close to 100 ppb. The experiment’s first result from the 2018 dataset was published in 2021 confirming, with a similar sensitivity, the discrepancy of almost $4 \sigma$ observed by the previous experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory from the theory prediction dated Summer 2020. On-going progress on the theory side has not yet been summarized into an official consensual update of the prediction. I will present the result based on the 2019 and 2020 datasets, which contain a factor of four more data thus entering a new sensitivity regime of g-2. I will discuss the improvement in the accuracy of $a_\mu$ and the future prospects for the experiment. I will then discuss the implications of the comparison of the new measurement with the last Standard Model predictions for muon g-2.