This talk will provide a short overview of the development of the CASPAR laboratory and its scientific program over the last decade. Because of the installation of the DUNE detector, CASPAR is presently not accessible. The talk will report on the present status of CASPAR and the scientific priorities after the laboratory reopens in summer 2024.
The talk is a summary of the characterisation work done for the understanding, calibration and then commissioning of the EJ-309 organic liquid scintillators used by the ERC funded SHADES project lead by prof. Best. A new nuclear astrophysics experiment aiming to perform, for the first time, a direct cross section measurements for the 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction at very low energy. The SHADES...
The reaction 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg is associated with several questions in nuclear astrophysics like the Mg isotope ratio in stellar atmospheres and its competition with the neutron source 22Ne(α,n)25Mg.
Due to very low stellar energies and therefore very low cross section, direct experiments have been only able to provide upper limits below a strong resonance at 832 keV.
The purpose of the EASγ...