Newsletter September 2023


This is September’s edition of the newsletter of the COST action. The aim is to keep you updated on recent and upcoming conferences and postdoc positions on subjects related to WISPs.



Short Term Scientific Missions and Inclusiveness Target Conferences


There is the possibility that after finalizing all the payment there will remain still some available funds to be spent by 31st October. Since the time scale is very strict, the steps are the following:


·      2-06 October: Submit a mail of interest to Alessandro Mirizzi [] and Venelin Kozhuharov [] indicating if you are interested in STSM or ITC, how it is connected with our Action and the funding required.


·      9-13 October: if funds are available and if your application has been selected by the Grant Awarding Committee, we will ask you to formally apply on e-Cost


·      16-28 October: period in which you can plan STSM or ITC

·      29 October *at latest*: submission of the report on e-COST



PhD/Postdoc/Junior Positions


o   October:

  • Postdoc position in theoretical physics, IFT Madrid, Spain, link (deadline October 5th)
  • Junior professorship in Theoretical Physics, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, link (deadline October 15th)
  • Tenure track assistant professorship, Eotvvos U., Budapest, Hungary, link (deadline October 15th)


o   November:

o   Postdoc on the application of Machine Learning to particle physics, OAW Vienna, Austria, link (deadline November 5th)

o   Postdoc in Theoretical Particle Physics, Stefan Inst., Ljubljana, Slovenia, link (deadline November 5th)

o   Theory and phenomenology of elementary particles and astroparticles, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy, link (deadline November 5th)

o   Postdoctoral Research Associate, INFN Turin, Italy, link (deadline November 10th)

o   Postdoctoral Research Associate, INFN Genoa, Italy, link (deadline November 10th)

o   Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, Basel U.,  Switzerland, link (deadline November 30th)



o   December:


o   Postdoctoral Position, U. Bern, Switzerland, link (deadline December 1st)

o   Postdoctoral research associate - particle theory, U. Zurich, Switzerland, link (deadline December 1st)

o   Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Particle Physics, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, link (deadline December 8th)






·  October:

  • Brookhaven Forum 2023: Advancing Searches for New Physics link
  • Advancements in Axion Physics 2023 link
  • 20th International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes link
  • The Early Universe: A Window to New Physics link

·  November:

  • BSM-2023 link
  • YOUNGST@RS - Interacting dark sectors in astrophysics, cosmology, and the lab link
  • 3rd Gravitational Waves Probes of Physics Beyond Standard Model link
  • Exploring the Dark Universe link
  • Workshop on Multi-probe approach to Wavy Dark Matter  link

·  December:

  • Prospects in Neutrinos Physics link

·  January:

  • Future prospects in neutrino and astroparticle physics link
The agenda of this meeting is empty