20–22 dic 2023
Padova, Scuola della Carità
Europe/Rome fuso orario

The gravitational nature of generalized TTbar deformations

20 dic 2023, 15:20
Padova, Scuola della Carità

Padova, Scuola della Carità

Via San Francesco 61-63, 35121 Padova
Gong Show talk Gong Show


Tommaso Morone (Università di Torino)


TTbar deformations provide remarkable insights into the topology and geometry of the space of field theories, as well as allowing exact calculations of physical quantities related to lower-dimensional deformed field theories. Noteworthy connections with theories of gravity have been shown to hold in two-dimensional spacetime. We discuss the extension of such correspondences to higher dimensional spacetimes, through the introduction of non-trivial, higher-derivative theories of gravity.

Autore principale

Tommaso Morone (Università di Torino)

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