20–22 Dec 2023
Padova, Scuola della Carità
Europe/Rome timezone

Remodeling Equivariant GLSMs

20 Dec 2023, 15:10
Padova, Scuola della Carità

Padova, Scuola della Carità

Via San Francesco 61-63, 35121 Padova
Gong Show talk + Poster Gong Show


Davide Scazzuso (HU Berlin)


Topological Recursion (TR) is the mathematical framework that governs the genus expansion of matrix integrals. In physics, TR has a wide range of applications: it computes correlation functions in matrix models, amplitudes in topological string theory, partition functions of JT (super)gravity and more. In this talk I will introduce the theory of Eynard-Orantin TR and outline the novel application to equivariant Gauged Linear Sigma Models and the physics of A-branes. Based on upcoming work.

Primary author

Davide Scazzuso (HU Berlin)

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