Speaker: Han Miao (IHEP, Beijing)
Abstract: Since the first collision of electron and positron at BEPCII in 2009, there have been many exciting physics results from BESIII that enlight the study on both the experimental and theoretical sides. Using the growing size of the data sample collected at BESIII, more and more measurements have been undertaken and published in recent years. In this talk, the recent progress and highlights of BESIII, including hadron spectroscopy and charm physics, will be introduced. In the future, with a much larger data sample and a broader energy range at the Super Tau Charm Factory (STCF), precision of relevant measurements will be significantly improved and the possible field of study will be definitely extended.
Zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/67672153876?pwd=c1YvNzV5YnRuL3l3Q0FOV3hJR1lEQT09