Quantum technologies for improving the sensitivity of the Einstein Telescope
ore 11.00
Byeong-Yoon Go
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Squeezed light, being a basic quantum resource for continuous-variable quantum techniques, offers a practical approach to improve sensitivity for gravitational wave (GW) detectors. By injecting squeezed light into such detectors, quantum noise can be significantly decreased beyond the limits imposed by the shot noise. Moreover, manipulating frequency-dependent squeezing angles allows the reduction of quantum noise also in the low-frequency region, where the sensitivity is limited by the radiation pressure noise of light.
Currently, 1550 nm wavelength of light is considered as a strong candidate for a new probe light for the third-generation GW detectors such as the Einstein Telescope (ET). Indeed, that choice is related to the adoption of silicon cryogenic mirror test masses.
Accordingly, the development of a squeezed light source at the 1550 nm wavelength is required.
In this talk, after a brief introduction on how squeezed light in GW is used to reduce quantum noise, I will describe the 1550 nm squeezed light source that we have developed at KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).
A novel strategy for quantum noise reduction in Gravitational Wave detectors: the EPR squeezing
ore 11.30
Sumin Lee
(Kyung Hee University)
After a very brief introduction on the EPR conditional squeezing, the current status of the EPR experiment at EGO will be presented.
S. Di Pace, A. Esposito