third round for Short Terms Scientific Missions for the period 1st July - 1st September, deadline 30th June, link
there are still a few supported places for the Training School in Lecce (11-14 September), link
Interested people are encouraged to apply.
Cosmic Wispers preprints
We encourage participants in the cost action to send us a small summary, typically smaller than the abstract, of their own articles that will appear in the arXiv in June (after they appear, with their arXiv numbers). The summary will be disseminated in the newsletter of June.
preprint summary for Cosmic Wispers newsletter June 2023
PhD/Postdoc/Junior Positions
Senior Postdoc and Advanced Fellowship positions in theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, King’s College London, UK, link (deadline June 30th)
The INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati theory group is soliciting declarations of interest for a two years senior postdoctoral position in astroparticle physics starting in the fall 2023 - contact Enrico Nardi:
Postdoctoral position in experimental neutrino and dark matter physics, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy, link (deadline June 30th)
Postdoctoral Fellow for Quantum sensing and fundamental Physics, Southern Denmark University, CP3-Origins, link
Postdoctoral position in particle physics (Belle-II), Strasbourg IPHC, France, link (deadline September 30th)
Arnold Fellowships and Landau Fellowships in Physics and Mathematics, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK, link (deadline October 1st)
1st International conference on Supernova Neutrino Detection link
Axions across boundaries between Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology and forefront Detection Technologies link
Quantum Fluids in the Universe (ISAPP school) link